Browsing by Author Hordiienko, D.

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Active three-phase current and voltage rectifiers for charging stationNerubatskyi, V.; Hordiienko, D.
2023Analysis of the control system of a wind plant connected to the AC networkNerubatskyi, V.; Hordiienko, D.; Нерубацький, Володимир Павлович; Гордієнко, Денис Анатолійович
2023Automated control system by the technological processes of the oil extraction plantNerubatskyi, V.; Hordiienko, D.
2021Electricity quality control in distribution networksNerubatskyi, V.; Hordiienko, D.
2023Gathering and intelligent analysis of data in the LoRaWAN networkNerubatskyi, V.; Hordiienko, D.
2023Improving the energy efficiency of photoelectric panels using a distributed maximum power tracking architectureNerubatskyi, V.; Hordiienko, D.
2022Improving the Energy Efficiency of Traction Power Supply Systems by Means the Implementation of Alternative Power SourcesNerubatskyі, V.; Plakhtii, O.; Hordiienko, D.
2022Pecularity receiving of instrumental materials ultradispersed mixes Al2O3 with added nanopowder SiCRucki, M.; Kagramanian, A.; Zbigniew Krzysiak; Nerubatskyi, V.; Voloshyna, L.; Hordiienko, D.
2019Simulation of surge protection according IEC 61000-4-5Nerubatskyi, V.; Plakhtii, O.; Hordiienko, D.; Khoruzhevskyi, H.
2022Удосконалення роботи транспортного вузла в умовах міжнародних перевезеньДолгополов, Петро Віталійович; Бондар, Ю. М.; Гордієнко, Д. С.; Dolgopolov, P.; Bondar, Y.; Hordiienko, D.