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Title: Changes in human capacity to work when developing and shaping thinking under the influence of digitalization
Authors: Harmash, B. K.
Katkovnikova, L. A.
Hryhorieva, Y. S.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: ДІСА ПЛЮС
Citation: Harmash B. K. Changes in human capacity to work when developing and shaping thinking under the influence of digitalization / B. K. Harmash, L. A. Katkovnikova, Y. S. Hryhorieva // Людина, суспільство, комунікативні технології : матеріали ІХ міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (21‒22 жовтня 2021 р.). - Харків : ДІСА ПЛЮС, 2021. - С. 303-306.
Abstract: Digital dementia is not a joke, but a diagnosis. The term "digital dementia" comes from South Korea, the first country to digitize. Today 83.8% of South Koreans have access to the Internet, 73 % of Koreans have a smartphone (in the United States, 56.4 %). In 2007, experts began to note that more and more teenagers (members of the digital generation) were suffering from memory loss, attention deficit disorder, cognitive impairment, depression and low self-control. The study showed that these patients' brains show changes similar to those that appear after a brain injury or in the early stages of dementia, a dementia that usually develops in old age.
Appears in Collections:Людина, суспільство, комунікативні технології

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