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Title: Intensification of heat exchange with the help of a flow spin
Authors: Panchuk, O.
Aleksahin, O.
Pogoreliy, A.
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
Citation: Panchuk O. Intensification of heat exchange with the help of a flow spin / O. Panchuk, O. Aleksahin, A. Pogoreliy // Globalization of scientific and educational space. Innovations of transport. Problems, experience, prospects: theses of Іinternational scientific conference (3-12 May, 2017). – Severodonetsk: Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, 2017. – P. 152-153.
Abstract: While developing heat exchange equipment, we use quite a wide range of intensification means, some of them being quite conventional for heat and power engineering: the use of turbulent flow mode of energy carriers; the reduction of channels diameter; the choice of optimal shape of channels cross-section; heat transfer surface ribbing; the application of heat carrier turbulence promoters; the utilization of heat exchange rough surfaces; the spinning of heat exchange flows; the application of short channels and heat exchange noncontiguous surfaces; the utilization of curved channels; the installation of cross baffles in a tube bundle etc.
Appears in Collections:2017

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