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Title: Implementation of innovative marketing technologies for higher efficiency of the marketing communication complex
Authors: Syvolovskа, Olena
Neskuba, Tetiana
Aleksandrova, Olena
Mkrtychyan, Olena
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Web of Conferences EDP Sciences
Citation: Implementation of innovative marketing technologies for higher efficiency of the marketing communication complex / O. Syvolovska, T. Neskuba, O. Aleksandrova, O. Mkrtychyan // SHS Web of Conferences. - 2019. - Volume 67.
Abstract: The authors analyzed the basic trends in development of marketing communications in Ukraine and defined efficient innovating marketing methods, one of which is neuromarketing. The article generalizes experience in implementing neuromarketing techniques in Ukraine and all over the world, systematizes methods, technologies and tools of neuromarketing and defines the areas of usage for business activity in Ukraine. Besides, the article analyzes faults, advantages and prospects of neuromarketing development, classifies target audiences in terms of their response to neuromarketing methods and techniques. It also touches a need to implement on-line neuromarketing tools.
ISSN: 2261-2424 (online)
Appears in Collections:2019

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