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Title: Management of business ecosystems in agriculture in wartime conditions
Authors: Kravchenko, S. A.
Bezhenar, I. M.
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Український державний університет залізничного транспорту
Citation: Kravchenko S. A. Management of business ecosystems in agriculture in wartime conditions / S. A. Kravchenko, I. M. Bezhenar // International transport infrastructure, industrial centers and corporate logistics: materials of the twentieth science-practic. international conf. (June 6-7, 2024, Kharkiv). - Kharkiv: UkrDUZT, 2024. - P. 271-272.
Abstract: Different directions of functioning of entrepreneurship ecosystems in agrarian business should be aimed at the development of entrepreneurship, strengthening its stability and increasing activity, strengthening the socioeconomic economy of agrarian production, improving the welfare of citizens in the countryside. The world economy has an example of successful entrepreneurship ecosystems, in particular: the Berlin ecosystem (Germany, segment of the creative economy), the Stockholm technological ecosystem (Sweden, the industry and innovation sector), the Shenzhen city ecosystem (China, the high-tech sector), the Tel Aviv ecosystem (Israel, sphere of high technologies and startups), Silicon Valley (USA, sphere of high technologies and innovations), Bangalore ecosystem (India, IT sphere), London financial ecosystem (Great Britain, sphere of financial technologies and innovations in the fintech sector). Ecosystems of entrepreneurship in agrarian business are successfully implemented in Brazil, the USA and other countries of the world.
Appears in Collections:Міжнародна транспортна інфраструктура, індустріальні центри та корпоративна логістика

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