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Title: Vocational and applied physical training in the system of physical education of the railway profile
Authors: Grinko, Vitaliy
Luchko, Olha
Dovzhenko, Svitlana
Keywords: professional and applied physical training
railway workers
physical qualities
general physical training
special physical training
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: International Journal of Anesthesiology Research
Citation: Grinko V. Vocational and applied physical training in the system of physical education of the railway profile / V. Grinko, O. Luchko, S. Dovzhenko // International Journal of Sports, Health and Physical Education. - 2023. - Vol. 5, Issue 1. - P. 25-31.
Abstract: This article analyzes the attitude of railway students to basketball classes, which reveal a certain list of characteristic physical qualities of future railway specialists. The proposed means and methods of physical education, which should be implemented in the educational process and determine the level of professional and applied physical training, the degree of necessary physical qualities of students of railway profile universities.
ISSN: 2664-7559 (print); 2664-7567 (online)
Appears in Collections:2023

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