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Title: Development and improvement of the attitude of employees of different fields of activity to a healthy lifestyle and activity of physical culture under COVID – 19
Authors: Grinko, Vitaliy
Chernina, Svitlana
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Scientific publications
Citation: Grinko V. Development and improvement of the attitude of employees of different fields of activity to a healthy lifestyle and activity of physical culture under COVID – 19 / V. Grinko, S. Chernina // Problems of practice, science and ways to solve them : materials of the IV International Science Conference, October 11-13, 2021. – Milan : Scientific publications, 2021. – P. 91-98.
Abstract: Socio-economic and political transformations of society, aimed at overcoming the crisis and building the foundations of democracy and market economy, have caused profound changes in all areas of production and social sphere. The reform process is closely linked to the development of human resources, the country's fixed capital for the future. In this case, physical health and physical fitness in conjunction with the spiritual and moral education and intellectual development of the individual, as components of the “human resource”, determine the relevance of the development of physical culture and non-professional sports. The actualization of this issue is exacerbated by the fact that physical culture and non-professional sports have a mission to promote socio-economic transformations taking place in society and the formation of a positive international image of the country.
ISBN: 978-9-40362-459-4
Appears in Collections:2021

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