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dc.contributor.authorDykan’, O.V.-
dc.contributor.authorДикань, Олена Володимирівна-
dc.identifier.citationDykan’ O.V. Strategic competence management as a basic component of enterprise development in the conditions of transformations / O.V. Dykan’ // Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. – 2024. – № 87. – С. 40-46.uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn2075-4892(print); 2413-4892(online)-
dc.description.abstractEN: In the conditions of global transformations of the world economy, the most important factor in ensuring the competitiveness of a modern enterprise is not natural and financial resources, but human resources, that is, personnel and their competencies. Personnel is one of the most important resources of railway transport enterprises, necessary for the achievement of all their goals and objectives. Every enterprise has a personnel management system or a personnel system in one form or another, but currently there is a need to update it. In the conditions of an unstable external environment, a new effective personnel management system is needed, which will allow identifying ways to improve personnel potential and create conditions for optimizing the numerical and qualitative composition of employees. Training should be considered the main source of competency for the enterprise. The relationship between competency management and the function of personnel development as an element of the personnel management system is beyond doubt. To implement the concept of competency management based on the personnel management system, the key functions of the system are the functions of personnel development, evaluation, motivation of labor activity and regulation of social and psychological processes. The formation of competency in the process of developing personnel competencies occurs both as a result of attracting competent employees and as a result of organizational training. For the formation of a continuous system of training and development of personnel at railway transport enterprises, it is necessary to work on the transformation of organizational culture, the creation of the socalled culture of knowledge, as well as the formation of an effective system of strategic management. The main goals of strategic knowledge management at enterprises should be defined as: development of personnel competencies focused on the implementation of strategic tasks of the railway industry; creation of a complex integrated information environment that ensures the improvement of the quality of business processes of railway transport enterprises; implementation of effective interaction between railway transport enterprises and interested parties to improve the image of the railway industry, etc.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractUA: В статті доведено, що в умовах цифрових глобальних трансформацій світової економіки управління компетенціями персоналу є основою для забезпечення конкурентоспроможності вітчизняного підприємства. Головним управлінським інструментом стає стратегічний менеджмент. Запропоновано теоретичний підхід до управлення компетенціями персоналу підприємств залізничного транспорту, який ґрунтується на побудові системи кореляційних зв’язків між компетенціями персоналу стратегічних одиниць бізнесу, загальнокорпоративними орієнтирами розвитку головної компанії, а також пріоритетами та потребами стейкголдерів.-
dc.publisherУкраїнський державний університет залізничного транспортуuk_UA
dc.subjectstrategic managementuk_UA
dc.subjectстратегічне управлінняuk_UA
dc.titleStrategic competence management as a basic component of enterprise development in the conditions of transformationsuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeСтратегічне управління компетенціями як базова складова розвитку підприємства в умовах трансформаційuk_UA
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