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Title: Культура праці та працевлаштування молоді
Other Titles: Culture of labor and employment of youth
Authors: Гриценко, Наталя Валеріївна
Gritsenko, N. V.
Keywords: корпоративна культура праці
організаційна культура
корпоративна ідентичність
трудова адаптація молоді
людський капітал
ринок праці
економічна соціологія
corporate culture of labor
organizational culture
corporate identity
labor adaptation of youth
human capital
labor market
economic sociology
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Український державний університет залізничного транспорту
Citation: Гриценко, Н. В. Культура праці та працевлаштування молоді / Н. В. Гриценко // Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. - 2017. - № 60. - С. 18-24.
Abstract: UA: У статті детально обґрунтовується необхідність перегляду існуючих підходів до культури праці та працевлаштування молоді в Україні. Розглянуті проблеми адаптації молоді та виділені чинники. Встановлено, що внутрішні чинники обумовлені необхідністю підвищення ефективності організації трудових відносин у великих компаніях та корпораціях. Особлива увага приділена проблемам формування дієвої корпоративної стратегії та трудової адаптації, а також внутрішньої організаційної політики.
EN: The article deals with the problems of labor adaptation of youth in organizations and enterprises, and the influence on this process of transformation of the corporate culture of labor. The main problems of labor adaptation of young people in the modern conditions of development of labor markets are analyzed theoretically. The problem of youth employment is considered, which today is one of the priority tasks of state development. Ensuring a satisfactory level of youth employment today is one of the priority tasks of the state's development. After all, young people are the most active part of the able-bodied population. Only taking into account the dynamics of the level of its employment it is possible to develop socio-economic forecasts of the country's development for the long-term perspective. The problem of youth employment is of interest to many scholars in the world. However, in Ukraine, it is updated on average every five years. This is due to the need for government programs to support and promote the development of this population. Young people are more exposed to both external and internal influences on the situation with ensuring its employment as a more productive part of the population. In the process of finding a job, young unemployed people face certain psychological difficulties. Their cause is the lack of internal readiness for active involvement, inability to change previous settings, and motivation for behavior in new market conditions. Unresolved problems of youth employment lead to rising unemployment and lower living standards; the spread of passive (dependency), unregulated (shadow occupancy) and destructive (criminal) behavior patterns; inducing external labor migration; cause psychological changes (loss of motivation to work, change in the structure of value orientations and the fall in the prestige of legal employment]. The state still can not solve all problems on its own. Therefore, all public associations should work on these issues and problems and look for effective solutions to them, and only by creating a favorable business environment in Ukraine we will solve many important problems, including for the development of economic activity of youth, and the realization of their labor potential. Consequently, the main measures to be taken to reduce youth unemployment must be campaigning and educational work.
ISSN: 2075-4892 (print); 2413-4892 (online)
Appears in Collections:№ 60

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