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Title: Intellectual busines
Authors: Nazarenko, Iryna Leonidivna
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Український державний університет залізничного транспорту
Citation: Syllabus of the discipline "Intellectual business". 2024-2025 academic year; second educational level (master's degree); branch of knowledge: 07 Management and administration; specialty: 073 Management; educational program: Sustainable logistics and supply chain managemen / compiler I. L. Nazarenko. - Kharkiv: UkrDUZT, 2024. - 13 p.
Abstract: The term "intellectual entrepreneurship" (intellectual business) was proposed by the American professor, dean of the University of Texas at Austin A.R. Chervittsem in 2002. He believes that "the creation of material wealth is only one of the partial manifestations of entrepreneurship. The intellect cannot be limited by an academic scientific school, and entrepreneurship is not a business, it is a determination to master the world, it is a process of cultural innovation." A.R. Chervitz examines intellectual entrepreneurship in relation to the education system, but emphasizes the universality of the proposed concept, because an intellectual entrepreneur can be not only a businessman, but also a scientist, student, graduate student, artist, musician, producer, etc. The basis of intellectual entrepreneurship in Chervitz's concept are four value orientations: vision and discovery, ownership and accountability, integrative thinking and action, collaboration and teamwork. Intellectual business or intellectual entrepreneurship is a special type of entrepreneurship carried out by intellectuals who create socially-oriented complex, high-tech intellectual products, with the aim of not only obtaining economic benefits, but also self-realization and the achievement of spiritual and moral guidelines, as well as for the realization of development goals economy and society (both increasing material well-being and ensuring cultural, spiritual development, etc.).
Appears in Collections:ОПП "Стала логістика та управління ланцюгами постачання"

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