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Title: Розвиток активних операцій комерційних банків
Other Titles: Development of active operations of commercial banks
Authors: Зайцева, Іраїда Юріївна
Бобров, Ю.І.
Zaitseva, I.Yu.
Bobrov, Y.I.
Keywords: активні операції
кредитні операції
банківська установа
банківська система
кредитний портфель
цінні папери
валютний курс
active operations
credit operations
banking institution
banking system
loan portfolio
exchange rate
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Український державний університет залізничного транспорту
Citation: Зайцева, І.Ю. Розвиток активних операцій комерційних банків / І. Ю. Зайцева, Ю. І. Бобров // Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. - 2020/2021. - № 72-73. - С. 15-22.
Abstract: UA: У статті розглянуто особливості активних банківських операцій, а також проаналізовано у динаміці сучасний стан основних активних операцій комерційних банків України. Досліджені стан та динаміку основних складових активів банківської системи України, а також визначено та систематизовано фактори, що впливають на стійкість вітчизняних комерційних банків.
EN: With the development of financial markets, the structure of the banking system is becoming increasingly complex. Commercial banks are looking for an effective mechanism for servicing the capital market and commercial structures. And active operations play an important role in this. They ensure the profitability and liquidity of a commercial bank, and therefore help to achieve the two main goals of banks. In the absence of clear coordination of all areas of banking activity there is a real risk the liquidity and solvency of commercial banks. The value of active operations of the bank is large enough. With their help, commercial banks are given the opportunity to send temporarily free funds to participants in economic turnover who need capital, thus ensuring the movement of capital to more promising sectors of the economy. This contributes to increased investment, sustainable growth of industrial production, as well as the expansion of housing construction. That is why it is so important that each bank correctly sets its market priorities and determines its direction. Commercial banks act as institutions that mobilize free funds and direct them to the sectors of the economy that need financing. A necessary condition for achieving and maintaining the stable functioning and development of commercial banks, their positive impact on the development of Ukraine's economy is a balance in the growth of assets and improving their quality. The article discusses the features of active banking operations, and also analyzes in dynamics the today state of the main active operations of commercial banks in Ukraine. The state and dynamics of the main components of the assets of the banking system of Ukraine have been investigated, and factors influencing the stability of domestic commercial banks have been identified and systematized.
ISSN: 2075-4892 (print); 2413-4892 (online)
Appears in Collections:№ 72-73

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